Blog Post

Working Of Essential Oils And How To Apply Them

  • By Alan David
  • 28 Apr, 2017
Working Of Essential Oils And How To Apply Them
Have you ever felt a bit more energetic and happy when cutting a fresh sweet orange or you felt serenity and a feel of calmness deep inside while smelling a lavender? If the answer is a yes, than you are already through the healthful benefits of nature’s best essential oils.

Healthful oils:-

These healthful oils are extracted from the molecules that are fragrant, highly concentrated and extremely small in size. All these molecules are squeezed from different parts like flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, seeds, of a number of plants.

They provide two advantages at one time, one is that they are extremely fragrant and the other is that they possess healthful properties that are therapeutic in nature that not only promote the physical well-being but they are also extremely advantageous for the mental health.

Good for human physiological state:-

These essential oils have the power to modify and increase the physical, emotional as well as mental health by stimulating all sensory neurons that result in the strengthening of the human body. This phenomenon has propagated all techniques of message in Dubai to new heights.

They are originated from small invisible molecules so they heal the mechanism that controls our physiological state.

Ways to absorb:-

There are two ways that can be adopted by the humans to adsorb these therapeutic components of oils one is to inhale them through the nose by smelling and the other one is to absorb these through the pores of skin. 

Inhalation (Olfactory system):-

While sniffing these oils through the nose small nerves quickly send a signal to the human brain and get busy in their operations that help in moderating our physical as well as mental senses. Inhalation is the best and direct method of taking advantage of these essential oils.

As the chemical messengers are directly linked to the brain so this method becomes the most effective. 

Application to skin:-

These essential oils get absorbed into the blood through the hair follicles and pores on the skin when applying them on the skin and rubbing. Once they make an entry into the blood stream then they scatter to different organs for which they are beneficial.

Pulse points:-

Those areas of the body where the vessels of blood are very close to the surface of the skin are called the pulse points. All therapists emphasize to apply oils on these areas, as the oils in the pulse points absorb in the blood stream much quickly and also start their operation in no time.

Experts suggest that these essential oils must be applied to temples, wrists and back of the neck.

Same as watering a plant:-

This message in Dubai technique should be considered as you are watering a plant. You water the soil beneath because you know this is where the roots are and they absorb the nutrients and food from here. 

Watering energizes and helps the plant to keep upright and fight season severities. Same is the case with applying the essential oils mentioned above and their functioning in the human body.

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